Mời quí vị quan sát Tiễu Bang Vermont
Region: North America
Area Total: 9,826,675km2
Coast Line: Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
Capital: Washington DC
State House-Vermont
Lighthouse on Lake Champlain
Garden of Hope and Courage,Woodstock,Vermont
Autumn in Vermont
Burligton, Vermont
Frozen lake Champlain
Country store
Echo Lake, Charleston
Owl´s Head Overlook and Lake Groton SF
Winter in Vermont
Region: North America
Area Total: 9,826,675km2
Coast Line: Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
Capital: Washington DC
State House-Vermont
Lighthouse on Lake Champlain
Garden of Hope and Courage,Woodstock,Vermont
Autumn in Vermont
Burligton, Vermont
Frozen lake Champlain
Country store
Echo Lake, Charleston
Owl´s Head Overlook and Lake Groton SF
Winter in Vermont