Mask Pro 4.1 now supports 16-bit images, Photoshop CS3 and Intel-based Macintosh computers.
There are several new features included in Mask Pro 4 including pressure sensitivity support for Wacom Tablets. Now, the harder you press on your Wacom Tablet, the harder the edge you’ll get in your mask. Press lightly and you’ll get a nice soft edge in your mask. With Mask Pro 4 and your Wacom Tablet, masking has never been easier!
Masking Hair and Transparent Objects
Masking images that contain hair can be tricky and often frustrating. With Mask Pro 4, you can easily create a mask that preserves the details you want and even removes unwanted ambient color contamination. To effectively mask hair, define colors in the hair as “Keep Colors” and then define colors in the background as “Drop Colors”. Then use the Magic Brush and brush over the hair to paint away the background.
Maintain Transparency
The Color Decontamination technology built-in to Mask Pro allows you to mask difficult subjects like glass, lace and smoke with ease. Simply choose colors to keep and colors to drop and Mask Pro does the rest.
No Edge Halos
Images like this may look easy to mask, but when you look closer, you?ll notice that often times, the background color is picked up in the edge of the foreground subject as a reflection. If not dealt with, this will degrade your final composite. With Mask Pro?s color decontamination technology and touch up tools, you can say goodbye to these halos forever.
Complete Collection of Masking Tools
In any given image, you may need more than one tool to get the job done. That?s why Mask Pro provides a complete collection of tools that help you take on the toughest masking project. Included are tools such as the Magic Brush which will remove colors while maintaining transparency as well as touch up tools like the Chisel which will help you get the edges of your image perfect without any edge halos at all. Each tool includes a palette where you can quickly and easily adjust the tool settings.
Color-based masking and selections
Mask Pro 3 provides you with two options for masking. For images where you need to mask a transparent item, use the standard Mask Pro mode and you can mask any image using the simple method of choosing colors to keep and colors to drop. Unlike other methods where you make a selection and then hope for the best, Mask Pro provides you with real-time previews, so there is never any doubt as to the quality of your mask.
For the times when you just want to make a selection, you can use the advanced selection tools in Mask Pro Select to give you a high-quality selection and clipping path. The vector-based clipping paths ensure superior print quality and will quickly rip on any imagesetter.
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